Nurture - Learn - Achieve
Hingham Primary School
Hingham Primary School, Hardingham Street, Hingham, Norfolk, NR9 4JB
Hopefully the information below will help!
If not... please contact the school: 01953 850304
Our year 6 pupils created this video to tell parents and future pupils a little more about our school.
Birds of Dereham -
We have Norse Catering to make our food. The children can have a school packed lunch, a jacket potato option, a meat main course or a vegetarian main course. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 get universal free school meals. Families can apply for means-tested free school meals. Click here to find out more.
Children can also bring in a home packed lunch. We encourage families to ensure this is a healthy lunch including sandwiches/pasta, fruit and a drink.
We start the children's journey to reading by using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. This is a synthetic phonics programme. Click here to find out more. As part of this programme, the children read 3 times weekly with a group and an adult.
As children complete the phonics programme, they move onto Accelerated Reader. Click here to find out more. Alongside this programme, children are taught Reading Skills in class developing skills to understand and analyse texts.