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Young Carers Crew

Young Carers Crew

At Hingham Primary School, we aim to recognise who all our Young Carers are, celebrate the many skills they have acquired through their caring experiences and emphasise it's something to be proud of. 

With parental permission, our Young Carers are invited to join our 'Young Carers Crew'.  The main focus of the group, is to create a nurturing environment where we can celebrate what amazing young people our Young Carers are, as well as giving them the opportunity to chat with other Young Carers or our Young Carers Champions, if they wish to.

We aim to meet half termly and are guided by the children within the group as to the sorts of activities they would like to do and how we can best support them. 

If you would like to know more about our Young Carers Crew and what makes somebody a young carer, please contact one of our Young Carers Champions.