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Our journey so far...

Our journey so far...

The Forest School programme started at Hingham Primary School in February 2017. We were very lucky to have received help from the following organisations:

  • November 2017, Annabel Hill from Norfolk Wildlife Trust gave us valuable advice when developing our site. She also officially opened our woodland area on May 2018.
  • The Friends of Hingham School purchased a temporary fence (January 2017) and a shed to store resources (April 2018).
  • Easton College sent a team from their Arboriculture department to help plant trees (February 2017) and hedgerow plants (December 2017) donated to us by the Woodland Trust.
  • Abel Homes erected a permanent fence around the designated Forest School area (May 2017).
  • The Ernest Cook Trust awarded us a grant of £1,350 to purchase tools and resources to use during our Forest School sessions (May 2016).
  • In September 2017, Norwich Town Close Estate Charity, awarded us a £10,000 grant to build an outdoor classroom in our developing woodland area.
  • Norse awarded us a £750 grant to make our outdoor classroom fully accessible (November 2018).
  • September 2023, Learning Through Landscapes, awarded us £500 worth of resources, a two hour outdoor training session for staff and membership to the organisation for a year.

Thank you to all the organisations that have helped us on our journey.