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English Curriculum Overview Year 1-6

English at Hingham Primary School is valued and developed continually by the teaching team. We know that being able to read and write are core skills for success at school and in the future.

Recent developments:

  • We use Little Wandle Phonics across KS1 and for some catch-up in KS2 to ensure children can decode the words they read.
  • We have Reading Skills lessons in KS2 to develop comprehension skills and help us understand what we read.
  • We have Accelerated Reader at our school to encourage independent reading through quizzes, targets and healthy competition between classes to read more and read for pleasure!

Children can quiz at home if they are really sure they have understood a book they have read.

Take a quiz!

  • We are using Write Stuff resources in year 5 and 6 to encourage accurate, wonderful writing that includes all the expectations for KS2.
  • Year 2 are using Talk4Writing resources to encourage vocabulary acquisition and sentence construction through drama and modelled talk.
  • We have mapped spelling across the school to ensure we cover all the letter patterns, rules and tricky words. (We plan to launch a Spelling Bee in the Spring Term)

Below are documents that outline expectations for different year groups. These are how teachers ensure skills are developed and progress is made in each area of the English Curriculum. 

You can find out more current information for each class by looking at the Class Pages.

What is Accelerated Reader? Please see the guide below

English Progression Hingham Primary School - Year 1- 6

English Coverage Hingham Primary School Years 1 - 6