Nurture - Learn - Achieve
Hingham Primary School
Hingham Primary School, Hardingham Street, Hingham, Norfolk, NR9 4JB
This a new and exciting development to further our excellent progress in teaching the children their early reading skills.
There are some differences in how Little Wandle organise their progression through the graphemes that the children learn. To know the order please check out the progression guide below.
On the Parents' page (Click here) you will find videos of children pronouncing all the sounds correctly. It is really important that you do not let your child add "uh" to the end of the sound as this causes difficulty with blending (e.g. saying 'puh' instead of 'p'). Look at the way the child on the video forms their mouth shape to help.
It is the school’s role to teach reading. However, parents/carers play a vital role, too. It is important that children have plenty of practice reading at home in order to become fluent, confident readers. Parents’ or carers’ support is needed to help their child practise reading and develop fluency with a book they have already read at school. This book needs to be matched to their phonic stage and be fully decodable. If books are sent home that the child cannot decode, it will lead to frustration for the child and the parent/carer. To ensure that reading at home is an enjoyable experience and does not feel like a chore, schools need to send home reading practice books in which the child can read 95% of the words.
Click the link above to find out more information.
This will be the only approach in school for teaching the children to read. Where children are finding learning sounds difficult or where they are finding blending difficult they will be provided with Keep up sessions in school.
If your child is in Year 2 or above they will not automatically be using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised but if they need the support to get them on track to reading they will participate in Little Wandle sessions.
Below are some links that families found useful during school closures.
Phonics Play In response to the ongoing situation, PhonicsPlay is free to use during this period. Children can use the site at home without their parents needing to subscribe. To access our resources all you need to do is log on using the following details. Username: march20 Password: home
Teach Your Monster to Read This game fully complements the phonics programme used in school. Both the computer and downloadable versions are 100% free during the current crisis.
Watch this fun animated introduction to the key aspects of learning to read using phonics. Great for learning more about key terms such as 'phonemes', 'blending' and 'tricky words'.
Understand how to put reading with phonics into practice with Emily Guille-Marrett and her son Albie. Visit our website for more help with phonics: Join 300,000 parents supporting learning at home: Like us on Facebook: